Easy way to calculate date and time way better

Sometimes we need to calculate date and time.
Actually more than sometimes.
And this library, moment.js, is so powerful for your purpose.
Getting date, setting a date format whatsoever you want, subtracting date from date, counting days, and others.
Below listed some functions for your quick use.
Let’s dig it.
Install moment.js
Install library with below command.
npm install moment
Import the library with ‘require’ function.
var moment = require('moment'); moment(); //ES6 syntax import moment from 'moment'; moment();
Let’s get started from parsing date.
const date = moment(""); //2022-01-23T11:15:00+09:00
We can display date using format() method with below tokens.
token | mean | example |
YY(YY) | year | ex) YYYY -> 2022, YY -> 22 |
MM(MM) | month | ex) MMMM -> January, MM -> 01 |
DD | date | ex) DD -> 25 |
dd(dd) | day | ex) dd -> Tu, dddd -> Tuesday |
hh | hour(12) | ex) hh -> 01 |
HH | hour(24) | ex) HH -> 13 |
mm | minute | ex) mm -> 07 |
ss | second | ex) ss -> 03 |
a | am, pm | ex) a -> pm |
Do | ordinal | ex) Do -> 25th |
//January Tu 2022, 01:07:21 pm moment.format('MMMM dd YYYY, hh:mm:ss a'); //January Tuesday 2022, pm 01:17 moment.format('MMMM dddd YYYY, a hh:mm') // 01/25/2022 moment.format('MM/DD/YYYY');
isValid() method works well on it.
moment('2022-01-25','YYYY-MM-DD').isValid(); //true moment('2022-02-30','YYYY-MM-DD').isValid(); //false moment('My birth is 2022-1-25','YYYY-MM-DD').isValid(); //true
Also parsing every detail date is available by intuitive methods.
hour() | get hour |
minute() | get minute |
second() | get second |
millisecond() | get millisecond |
date() | get date (1~31) |
day() | get day of week (0~6) |
week() | get week of year (1~53) |
month() | get month (0~11) |
year() | get year |
moment(new Date).hour(); //13 moment().millisecond(); //331 moment().week(); //5
To get the difference in date, use diff() method.
const theDate = moment('2021-01-20', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); const myDate = moment('2022-01-25', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); myDate.diff(theDate, 'days'); // 5 myDate.diff(theDate, 'year'); // 1 myDate.diff(theDate, 'month'); // 12
We can use this method for counting expire date or calculate D-day.
And there is a bunch of methods this library thanks to the last long maintenance till today.
Please check official web for further infomation.